Presentations & CIT
All NAMI presentations are free, led by trained facilitators with lived experience, and available to the public.
Please call 715-450-6484 or email info@namicv.org the NAMI Chippewa Valley office for questions or to request a presentation.
NAMI In Our Own Voice
NAMI In Our Own Voice is a unique presentation in which two trained speakers share their compelling personal stories of living with mental health challenges and achieving recovery. Audiences range from individuals with mental health challenges, students of all ages, law enforcement officials and faith community members to veterans and service providers. While audiences benefit from the inspirational stories of the speakers, presenters increase their confidence and develop leadership skills while helping to inspire and motivate others.
NAMI WI Hearing Voices
NAMI Wisconsin Hearing Voices Simulation is an educational and awareness training to provide insight and a better understanding of those who experience auditory hallucinations, as well as challenge misunderstandings and stereotypes. The Hearing Voices Simulation uses Pat Deegan’s Hearing Distressing Voices recording; all licensing for this recording is with Pat Deegan PhD & Associates, LLC.  
The goal of the Hearing Voices Simulation is to provide insight on the daily challenges faced by those living with schizophrenia or other mental illness that experience auditory hallucinations. It is designed to create empathy in individuals who have never experienced them. 
NAMI Family & Friends
NAMI Family & Friends is a 90-minute or four-hour seminar that informs people who have loved ones with a mental health condition how to best support them. It’s also an opportunity to meet other people in similar situations and gain community support.​
The seminar is led by trained people with lived experience of supporting a family member with a mental health condition. They will walk you through the following topics:
Understanding diagnoses, treatment and recovery
Effective communication strategies
The importance of self-care
Crisis preparation strategies
NAMI and community resources
CIT (Crisis Intervention Training)
Eau Claire Police Department CIT
NAMI Chippewa Valley proudly supports the Eau Claire Police Department as they train police officers and other emergency personnel to handle mental health crisis situations.
CIT is a community initiative designed to improve the outcomes of police interactions with people living with mental illnesses. CIT programs are local partnerships between law enforcement, mental health providers, local NAMI chapters and other community stakeholders. CIT programs provide 40 hours of training for law enforcement on how to better respond to people experiencing a mental health crisis. CIT is not just a training. Effective CIT programs are based on strong relationships between law enforcement, mental health care providers, families and people living with mental illness. CIT is a long-lasting, evolving partnership based on mutual goals.